Missoula Childrens Theatre
Empowering Kids through the Performing Arts
July 22 - 27th | Entering Grades 1 - 12
The Rotary Club of Sedona Village is proud to be the presenter of this year's performance - Treasure Island! Sign up now for your child's audition, which will be held at 9AM on 7/22. Rehearsals run through the week, and the two performances will be at 3Pm and 5 PM on Saturday, July 27th, 2024, in the West Sedona School Auditorium. This is FREE for the kids. The performances are ticketed and cost either $15/adult or a donation of 2 cans of food for Manzanita Outreach.

This year's production is Treasure Island
All MCT shows are original adaptations of classic children’s stories and fairytales ... a twist on the classic stories that children of all ages know and love. Treasure Island is full of adventure, fun, and laughter, with a large cast of characters. It makes for an excellent choice in children's theater. Sign your child up here.
Creativity, social skills, goal achievement, communication skills and self-esteem are all characteristics that are attained through the participation in this unique, educational project. MCT’s mission is the development of life skills in children through participation in the performing arts.
The Missoula Children’s Theatre is based in Missoula, Montana, and also runs many local programs in western Montana. For students interested in a career in the performing arts, MCT has developed Next Step Prep — The Academy for Musical Theatre, providing high school students an affordable opportunity to train and study with well-known professionals in the field of music, dance and acting in preparation for college.

Buy Your Treasure Island Tickets Here!
3 PM or 5PM