Rotary Club of Sedona Village Contact: District Contact:
Jennette Bill Donna Goetzenberg
JLBill@outlook.com 5495outbounds@gmail.com
928-301-1363 602-469-1293
What is a Rotary Long Term Youth Exchange Scholarship?
This Rotary sponsored and organized program sends America’s best student ambassadors aged 15 to 18 to spend
up to a year living with host families (usually 3) and attending school in a different country, learning a new way
of living, a great deal about yourself, and the language of that country. You’ll be an ambassador, teaching
people you meet about our country. You can help bring the world closer – and make some good friends in the
process. Rotary is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in
its programs.
up to a year living with host families (usually 3) and attending school in a different country, learning a new way
of living, a great deal about yourself, and the language of that country. You’ll be an ambassador, teaching
people you meet about our country. You can help bring the world closer – and make some good friends in the
process. Rotary is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in
its programs.
What countries can I go to?
Country choices change slightly each year but typically include France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark,
Switzerland, South Korea, Czech Republic, Austria, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Brazil, Taiwan, Japan,
Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador and Chile. Students are asked to consider 3 countries but may still be assigned to
another. It will be important to be open-minded and adventuresome! Other countries may be available. Please
What is the process for acceptance?
Students submit applications by June 30 of each year before they would go on exchagne. The sponsoring club
will conduct student interviews. If the student passes the first interview, they will be asked to complete the full
application by December or January. The district committee will make final awards and country selections by
March 1st. The full application does not guarantee placement. For application: www.rotary5495youth.com
What are the costs for the family/student/parents?
Rotary club volunteers administer the program at the local level, which helps keep costs low for students and
their families. Costs will vary but students can expect that the year will cost between $4000 - $4500 minimum
depending upon the country, optional travel costs and personal expenses. Students will receive a monthly
stipend from the foreign host Rotary Club.
• $500 application fee: the only fee paid to Rotary to cover program costs. This fee is refundable if the
application is withdrawn before March 1st. If the student is accepted into the program and they decide to
cancel before departure, then this fee is NON refundable.
• Insurance: Students must pay for an international health policy or state/country health insurance. This varies
from country to country. Most policies cost between $500 and $900 for the year. You may NOT provide
your own insurance.
• Travel costs: students provide your own travel (plane/train/etc). Note: 30-day excursion fares do not apply.
These are 300+ day completely changeable tickets. Fuel cost increases have affected ticket pricing.
• Language School: many countries require an intense language school upon arrival. Costs vary from 0-$900.
• Passport: students arrange for your own passport.
• Visa: This is the “permission” to live in the country for a year. Cost varies by country. Some countries
require proof of a certain amount of available funds in a parent bank account.
• Optional travel programs: A wonderful way to see more of the country. Costs vary.
• Emergency fund: Most host countries require an emergency fund of $500. This is refunded if not used.
• Personal expenses: cell phone, clothing, travel, entertainment, personal items, etc.
• Blue blazer, pins for exchanging, gifts, extra spending money: all students must purchase a navy blue blazer
before departure to wear when representing the program.
What is the Time Line:
• Any time before June: Preliminary applications due
• In the fall: Interviews
• Dec-Jan: Complete application, submit application fee and names of 3 families who will be inbound
• February: Committee meets to make country assignments
• March: Notification of country assignment, doctor/dentist appointments
• April: Outbound Orientation (Rotary sponsored)
• Around May: Guarantee Form returned from host district
• May-June: Rotary District Conference (Mandatory/Rotary Sponsored)
• March-June: Service Project/Second Orientation (Rotary sponsored)
• Around August: leave for assigned country (date determined by host district)
Will I get any credit for this year in my Arizona high school? How do colleges look at this experience?
Although this is an academic exchange and you are required to attend school, learn the language, and make
progress in your host country school, this does not give you credits at Sedona Red Rock High School. Some
students take on-line classes before, during or after the exchange year so that they can still graduate with their
class. Work with your high school counselor as early as possible to secure a plan for you. Colleges love
exchange programs and recognize the benefits. You will be a more well-rounded, culturally rich student by the
end of the year and you will have great things to write about on your college essays!! Do not expect to take your
SAT while abroad or to work on your college applications. A gap year exchange is not possible if you attend
Sedona Red Rock High School unless a different high school agrees to take the inbound student.
May parents visit their son/daughter while they are abroad?
Parents and siblings may visit usually after March of the exchange year and usually during the student's spring
break or after they are out of school for the summer. This must be coordinated with the host district for approval
ahead of time.
Can our family be a HOST FAMILY while our student is abroad?
For each outbound student we send, we are required to take one inbound student. This requires 3 host families
for the year. You must secure 3 host families for our inbound exchange student…and you may be one of those
families! These families must complete an application showing their commitment before you are assured of an
outbound position. Just ask your Rotary contact for more information. It's a great experience!
Hosting application can be found at www.rotary5495youth.com.
Any other questions: Please contact Jennette Bill OR Donna Goetzenberg (both listed above) OR Machel
Considine, Inbound Chair, 5495inboundes@gmail.com.
Any other questions: Please contact Jennette Bill OR Donna Goetzenberg (both listed above) OR Machel
Considine, Inbound Chair, 5495inboundes@gmail.com.
ABOUT ROTARY: Rotary is an international non-profit service club made up of volunteers who are passionate
about “Service Above Self” and about promoting peace around the world through friendship and understanding